Using parallelism solves problems more quickly than using a single-processor machine, as is the case where groups of people solve problems larger than one person can solve. But just as with groups of people, there are additional costs and problems involved in coordinating parallel processors:
Two easy, practical approaches to dividing the work among several processors are executing functions in parallel and executing iterations of loops in parallel. Parallelizing loops will be presented in the next chapter. In this chapter we will discuss running subroutines in parallel.
Executing functions in parallel is an easy way to speed up computation. The chunks of code are already packaged for you in methods; you merely need to wrap runnable classes around them. Of course, there are certain requirements:
Two kinds of algorithms particularly adaptable to parallel execution of functions are the divide-and-conquer and branch-and-bound algorithms. Divide-and-conquer algorithms break large problems into parts and solve the parts independently. Parts that are small enough are solved simply as special cases. You must know how to break a large problem into parts that can be solved independently and whose solutions can be reassembled into a solution of the overall problem. The algorithm may undergo some cost in breaking the problem into subparts or in assembling the solutions.
Sometimes, a program needs to integrate a function (i.e., calculate the area under a curve). It might be able to use a formula for the integral, but doing so isn’t always convenient, or even possible. An easy alternative approach is to approximate the curve with straight line segments and calculate an estimate of the area from them.
This visual (courtesy of HPJPC) shows the trapezoidal method:
This equation shows how to calculate the area.
We wish to find the area under the curve from \(a\) to \(b\). We approximate the function by dividing the domain from \(a\) to \(b\) into \(g\) equally sized segments. Each segment is \((b - a) / g\) long. Let the boundaries of these segments be \(x_0 = a\), \(x_1\), \(x_1\), ... , \(x_g = b\). The polyline approximating the curve will have coordinates \((x_0, f(x_0))\), \((x_1, f(x_1))\), \((x_2, f(x_2))\), ..., \((x_g, f(x_g))\).
The area is then given by this formula, which sums the area of all trapezoids:
If we apply that formula unthinkingly, we will evaluate the function twice for each value of x, except the first and the last values. While the correct result would be obtained, it is inefficient and kind of defeats the purpose of going parallel. A little manipulation gives us the following:
We’ve now reduced the problem to computing the parallel sum term, which is represented nicely in Scala.
We present three solutions in Scala:
integrateSequential(): The sequential (i.e. not parallel) solution is aimed at showcasing one of the key benefits of functional programming in general. In many cases, the code closely follows the mathematics you write. Because the code is clear in terms of its intentions, we can adapt the solution for parallel execution.
integrateParallel(): The parallel version shows how to get parallel speedup in Scala from the sequential one, simply by adding par.
allowing the user to specify the grain size (number of retangles to do sequentially at a time), it is possible to determine how Scala itself might be chunking the work in the integrateParallel() solution.
Let’s start by looking at integrateSequential().
1 2 3 4 5 | def integrateSequential(a: Double, b: Double, rectangles: Int, f: Fx): Double = {
val interval = (b - a) / rectangles
val fxValues = (1 until rectangles).view map { n => f(a + n * interval) }
interval * (f(a) / 2 + f(b) / 2 + fxValues.sum)
As would be expected, we should be write this the way we think of the problem mathematically:
In the last case, this is where Scala makes our work particularly easy by allowing us to define a proper function type as shown below:
1 | type Fx = Double => Double
In our previous Java work (in the book), we had to use Java interfaces for this same task. While seemingly just syntactic sugar, Java’s boilerplate is offputting to computational scientists, who would rather use C and FORTRAN where function parameters are possible. Unlike those choices, however, Scala gives us the compelling aspect of full type checking, which means that we can be assured of excellent performance without the complexity–and sometimes unsafe behavior–that is found in other languages.
Because it is essential to understand the sequential version (the core algorithm) before proceeding, we offer a brief explanation of each line of code, even when obvious, and how we are taking advantage of Scala (when less obvious!)
The sequential version of integration presented here is completely side-effect free. That is, all of the work is being done without mutating state. This means that it can immmediately be turned into something parallel in Scala, provided we know where the actual work is being done. Let’s continue this exploration!
The immediately preceding discussion was presented with great care, because what we are about to demonstrate illustrates how one needs to do very little work to take what is sometimes known as an embarrassingly parallel algorithm and make it run in parallel. The term embarrassing is a tad misleading. As we’ll see, the results don’t always follow your intuition. Furthermore, while the results can be gotten quickly, it doesn’t always mean that you are getting the best results possible. For example, as well as Scala does, it still doesn’t do nearly as well as our hand-coded multithreaded Java example from HPJPC. We’ll say more about this later.
Let’s look at the parallel version.
1 2 3 4 5 | def integrateParallel(a: Double, b: Double, rectangles: Int, f: Fx): Double = {
val interval = (b - a) / rectangles
val fxValues = (1 until rectangles).par.view map { n => f(a + n * interval) }
interval * (f(a) / 2 + f(b) / 2 + fxValues.sum)
In this version, observe that we have added the par method call just before generating the lazy view. This is the only sensible place to add par, because in mathematical/scientific computing, we know that most of the parallel potential is found where the loops are. The 1 until rectangles is where the actual workload is being generated, so it is a natural place to suggest par.
The following code shows the unit tests for our various integration examples.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | package edu.luc.etl.sigcse13.scala.integration
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert._
import Integration._
import Fixtures._
* Simple JUnit-based tests.
class Tests {
@Test def testSequential() {
assertEquals(333.3, integrateSequential(0, 10, 1000, sqr), 0.1)
@Test def testParallel() {
assertEquals(333.3, integrateParallel(0, 10, 1000, sqr), 0.1)
@Test def testParallelGranular() {
assertEquals(333.3, integrateParallelGranular(10)(0, 10, 1000, sqr), 0.1)
For the purpose of testing, we set up \(f(x) = x^2\) and integrated it from 0 to 10. The value of this integral should be 333.333333333....
We can’t stress enough the importance of unit tests, especially when working a sequential algorithm into a parallel one. While you are less likely to make mistakes in Scala, it is very easy when trying certain strategies to get the wrong answer. (In fact, one of them, the third, gave an incorrect answer during testing, simply because of a division error I made when computing the number of workers!)
Using the notion of a test fixture, it is possible to specify what function we wish to test without contaminating the general-purpose code we wrote with a specific function to be integrated. See below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | package edu.luc.etl.sigcse13.scala.integration
// begin-object-Fixtures
object Fixtures {
def sqr(x: Double): Double = x * x
// end-object-Fixtures
The tradition of scientific computing is one where users want and need to be able to run it from the command-line, often in an unattended fashion (say, on a computing cluster or network of workstations or cloud resources). The following is the main program we put together to run the integration of \(f(x) = x^2\) manually. You can specify the number of rectangles, the number of times to run each of the experiments, and a grain size for testing the combined parallel/sequential version, integrateParallelGranular(). We’ll say more about this function in our performance discussion.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | package edu.luc.etl.sigcse13.scala.integration
import Integration._
import Fixtures.sqr
object Main extends {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
try {
require { 2 <= args.length }
val rectangles = math.max(args(0).toInt, 1000)
val n = math.max(args(1).toInt, 1)
val grainSize = if (args.length == 3) math.min(args(2).toInt, rectangles) else rectangles
timedRun(rectangles, n, "sequentially", integrateSequential)
timedRun(rectangles, n, "in parallel", integrateParallel)
timedRun(rectangles, n, "in parallel with " + grainSize +
" rectangles per serial worker", integrateParallelGranular(grainSize))
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => usage()
case _: IllegalArgumentException => usage()
def usage() {
Console.err.println("usage: rectangles (>= 1000) " +
"numberOfRuns (>= 1) [ grainSize (rectangles % grainSize == 0) ]")
def timeThis[A](s: String)(block: => A): A = {
val time0 = System.currentTimeMillis
val b = block
val time1 = System.currentTimeMillis - time0
println("Timing " + s + " = " + time1)
// begin-timedRun
def timedRun(rectangles: Int, n: Int, how: String,
integrationStrategy: (Double, Double, Int, Fx) => Double) {
timeThis(how) {
print("Computing area " + how + "; now timing " + n + " iterations")
val area: Double = (1 to n).map { _ => integrationStrategy(0, 10, rectangles, sqr) }.head
println("; area = " + area)
// end-timedRun
This is still being written up but will be demonstrated live.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | def integrateParallelGranular(grainSize: Int)(a: Double, b: Double, rectangles: Int, f: Fx): Double = {
require { rectangles % grainSize == 0 } // can relax this later
val workers = rectangles / grainSize
val interval = (b - a) / workers
val fullIntegration = (0 until workers).par.view map { n =>
val c = a + n * interval
integrateSequential(c, c + interval, grainSize, f)
This example was developed as part of High-Performance Java Platform Computing by Thomas W. Christopher and George K. Thiruvathukal.